Monday, July 23, 2018

Spring rolling into Summer

We have been so busy, nothing much has gotten done on the house since we spent 2 weeks in Germany in April and our electrican came and ran a bunch of wiring.  We have just been busy as per usual with our summer.

Lots of yummy German food and beer

Beautiful countrysides. 

And of course some cars.

The rest of the summer has been spent cleaning out a bunch of things from the house and the standard car show circut.

Last week our air conditioner completely kicked the bucket so we're looking forward to getting the new one up and running soon.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

More Construction

The past couple of weekends have been a bit slower.  But we've been slowly making bits of progress.

JR was able to sheet rock part of the half bath and install most of the exhasts needed (half bath fan, media closet fan, and future kitchen hood exhaust)

And I took out a wall and channeled out the wall to move the vaccuum upstairs.

So not too much construction but sometimes you need a little time to relax.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Projects continuing...

Hard to believe we're already in Feburary.  With the hustle and bustle of the holidays behind us and our vacation offically over we are finally jumping back into our ongoing projects.

Just a lovely reminder of what the upstairs bathroom used to look like.

We've gutted it to fix the leak issue we found when we burst a pipe last winter and the critter issues we found.

As of the end of this weekend we have walls back up and only need a few more bays of insulation filled.

The other side of the wall has been closed up and only needs a few more finishing touches to be all set.  To the right we have started to open it up to see what it would look like with an open railing.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Jumping into 2018

The begninning of 2018 has been off to a busy start already.  We're pushing to get stuff done on the house while trying not to be shut ins.  This past week we had a short little get away to Florida to visit some friends.

It was definitely iced coffee weather and a much appreciated break from the cold.

Saturday we got to enjoy a bit of the Winter Equestrian Festival.

Sunday morning JR and I grabbed a relaxing breakfast on the beach and then took a walk out onto the pier.

And then Sunday night we took a drive up to Orlando and spent Monday at Universal.

Back home for Tuesday to be reunited with the pup and back to work for me.